Proposal Template

MIP#: # to be assigned
Title: What your proposal is called?
Author(s): list of authors' names and/or email address
Contributors: XXX, YYY
Editor: Assigned by MIP# Editor>
Date Proposed: yyyy-mm-dd
Date Ratified: yyyy-mm-dd
Dependencies: List of dependent Previous MIP#
Replaces: List of MIP# it is replacing
Adjustment to: List of MIP# it is under adjustment
Exception to: List of MIP# you apply exception:


  • Executive Summary - Two or three sentences that summarize the MIP. Ex: What are u going to build?

  • Motivation - A statement on why the MVC community should implement the MIP.

  • Specifications

  • For exposure growth proposal:

  • How will receiving a grant enable you to further the mission of maximizing the number of users interacting with MVC? Please include a step-by-step flow of how you imagine this grant can lead to a greater number of user interactions with MVC:

  • Any links / example of your project:

  • Demo / Youtube

  • Website:

  • Twitter / community:

  • Discord/Discourse/Community:

  • Github / Technical/Economic Documentation:

  • Steps to Implement - The steps to implement the MIP, including associated costs, manpower, and other resources for each step where applicable. MIPs that involve transactions with third parties (such as grants) will need to ensure that applicable legal documentation and procedures are also included.

  • Timeline - Relevant timing details, including but not limited to start date, milestones, and completion dates.

  • Overall Cost - Grant Request - What is the size of the grant request? (XXX Space max): How do you justify the size of the grant?:

  • Space as rewards confirmation: Whether payment by native token 'Space' is accepted. If not, please kindly specify your expected payment method.

  • Add the following disclaimer and remarks:

  1. Space is not an investment vehicle:

MVCDAO emphasizes that Space, the native gas of the MVC network, is not intended for investment or speculative purposes. Its value and price are subject to the utility demand within the MVC network, which may lead to price fluctuations. We strongly discourage participants from purchasing Space with the intention of investment or speculation. MVCDAO does not make any commitments or guarantees regarding the price or value of Space. When holding Space, it should be used exclusively for participation in MVCDAO governance or for utility purposes within the MVC network.

  1. Purpose of the proposal:

This proposal is not intended for investment analysis or induction. Instead, it aims to enhance the visibility of the MVC network. It's all about putting our network in the spotlight, not about financial advice.

  1. Conflict of interest declaration:

The author of this proposal has not received any commission.


Note: By submitting a proposal, you confirm that

A) You represent and warrant to the MVCDAO that all the information it contains is true and complete to the best of your knowledge.

Last updated