What is the entity behind MicroVisionChain, and where is it registered?

What is the entity behind MicroVisionChain, and where is it registered?

MicroVisionChain (MVC) doesn't have a typical company structure with a physical headquarters or a specific registration location. Instead, it's a global, decentralized project, driven by a community of developers and contributors who share a common vision.

Think of it as a star-studded ensemble cast, with about 30 developers from the Bitcoin ecosystem around the globe, each contributing their unique skills and expertise. They've spent over two years working on various aspects of the project, including verification schemes, node program development, foundational library development, smart contract formulation, wallet development, DID protocol, and related ecosystem applications, among others.

So, in essence, MVC is everywhere its community is! It's like a blockbuster movie being filmed in multiple locations at once.

For more backstage passes info about the early contributors and the project, you can check out the first MVC Discord Text AMA here:


Last updated